Thursday 5 January 2012

boutique male restroom- work experience

above are images and designs that i created whilst on work experience at george bonds - BPID. the concept was to redesign a hotel into a boutique hotel requested by the client. these images of the male restroom are what i perceived to be boutique.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

section of the island unit constructed

bespoke furniture - island unit

our second project of the year involved us in creating a piece of bespoke furniture. i decide to do a kitchen island unit inspired by bars. this mainly being the materials associated with them i.e., translucent marble, warm woods, black glass, concrete etc. The aim of this project was to build a section of the design to see wether it can be manufacture.i produce a very detailed sketch up model including where the pilot holes would go for fixings. how each part connects. step by step build. i took the sketch up model to a manufacture and he was more than happy to say that this could be built. the model i built was from the section in front of the sink.including 3 drawers and a polished concrete work top. however i did not produce the glass sliding surface this was down to costings. i am very pleased with the overall design and build. the mood boards with inspirational images on show the style of the island unit i wanted to achieve.